Driving Directions | ActivCare Living Residential Memory Care
From Irvine
1.Get on I-405 N from Harvard Ave and Main St
2. Take CA-55 N/State Rte 55 N to E Chapman Ave in Orange. Take exit 14 A from CA-55 N/State Rte 55 N
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination
From Huntington Beach
- Get on State Rte 55 N in Costa Mesa from Atlanta Ave, Hamilton Ave and Victoria St
2. Follow State Rte 55 N to E Chapman Ave in Orange. Take exit 14 A from State Rte 55 N
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination
From Long Beach
1. Take E 7th St to CA-22 E
2. Continue on CA-22 E/Garden Grove Fwy to Orange. Take exit 14 A from CA-55 N/State Rte 55 N
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination
From Downtown LA
1. Get on US-101 S from N Main St
2. Continue on US-101 S. Take I-5 S to E Chapman Ave in Orange. Take exit 14 A from CA-55 N/State Rte 55 N
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination
From Pomona
- Get on CA-60 W
2. Continue on CA-60 W. Take CA-57 S and CA-55 S/State Rte 55 S to E Chapman Ave in Orange. Take exit 14 from CA-55 S/State Rte 55 S
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination
From Corona
1. Get on CA-91 W from S Victoria Ave
2. Continue on CA-91 W to Orange. Take exit 14 from CA-55 S/State Rte 55 S
3. Continue on E Chapman Ave to your destination